Exhibit 99.1
  James Hardie Industries N.V
  ARBN 097 829 895 
  Incorporated in The Netherlands
  The liability of members is limited
  Dutch Registration Number
  Atrium 8th Floor
23 June 2008
  Strawinskylaan 3077
  1077 ZX Amsterdam 
  The Netherlands
The Manager
  Tel: 31 20 301 2980
Company Announcements Office
  Fax: 31 20 404 2544
Australian Securities Exchange Limited
20 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Dear Sir
James Hardie Industries’ Annual Meetings
As required under Listing Rule 3.13.1, James Hardie Industries advises that it will hold its Annual General Meeting at Atrium, 8th floor, Strawinskylaan 3077, 1077 ZX Amsterdam, The Netherlands at 10.00 am Central Europe Time (CET) on Friday,
22 August 2008.
The 2008 Annual Information Meeting of CUFS holders of James Hardie Industries NV will be held in the Auditorium, The Mint,
10 Macquarie Street, Sydney at 1.00 pm on Wednesday, 20 August 2008.
Yours faithfully,
-s- Robert E Cox
Robert E Cox
Company Secretary