James Hardie Industries plc 1st Floor, Block A, One Park Place, Upper Hatch Street, Dublin 2, D02 FD79, Ireland T: +353 (0) 1 411 6924 F: +353 (0) 1 479 1128 James Hardie Industries plc is a limited liability company incorporated in Ireland with its registered office at 1st Floor, Block A, One Park Place, Upper Hatch Street, Dublin 2, D02 FD79, Ireland. Directors: Anne Lloyd (Chairperson, USA), Peter-John Davis (Aus), Persio Lisboa (USA), Renee Peterson (USA), Rada Rodriguez (Sweden), Suzanne B. Rowland (USA), Nigel Stein (UK), Harold Wiens (USA). Chief Executive Officer and Director: Aaron Erter (USA) Company number: 485719 ARBN: 097 829 895 14 August 2023 The Manager Company Announcements Office Australian Securities Exchange Limited 20 Bridge Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Dear Sir/Madam Substantial Holding Notice As required under ASX Listing Rule 3.17.3 please see attached copy of the substantial holding notice received by James Hardie on 11 August 2023. Regards Aoife Rockett Company Secretary This announcement has been authorised for release by the Company Secretary, Ms Aoife Rockett.

9 August 2023 Aoife Rockett Group Company Secretary James Hardie Industries plc Europa House, 2nd Floor Harcourt Centre Harcourt Street Dublin 2, Ireland By email: [email protected], [email protected] Dear Sir/Madam Notification of change in disclosable interest under the Companies Act 2014 This notification is given in fulfillment of the duty imposed pursuant to Section 1048 and/or Section 1050 of the Companies Act 2014. Challenger Limited on behalf of its subsidiary Fidante Partners Limited and on behalf of its associates Greencape Capital Pty Limited, Alphinity Investment Management Pty Ltd and WaveStone Capital Pty Limited (Challenger Companies) has a relevant share capital holding (as defined in Section 1047 of the Companies Act 2014) in James Hardie Industries PLC (JHX) which requires disclosure under Section 1048 and/or Section 1050 of the Companies Act 2014 as first notified to JHX on 23 October 2018. On 8 August 2023, there was a change in the share capital held by the Challenger Companies such that the shareholding decreased through a percentage point, with the Challenger Companies having an aggregated interest in JHX of 4.9855% of ordinary share capital (being a reduction from 5.063%) which is held as set out in Part 1 of Schedule 1 to this letter. On 9 August 2023, there was a further change in the share capital held by the Challenger Companies such that the shareholding went through a percentage point, with the Challenger Companies now having an aggregated interest in JHX of 5.0108% which is held as set on in Part 2 of Schedule 1 of this letter. If you have any questions in relation to the above, please contact me at +61 2 9994 7094. Kind regards Linda Matthews Company Secretary Challenger Limited

Schedule 1 Part 1 Registered Holder Number of Chess Depository Interests Held % J. P. Morgan Nominees Australia Pty Limited 6,074,094 1.3801% Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 6,165,008 1.4007% National Nominees Limited 1,481,539 0.3366% HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited 7,573,823 1.7208% BNP Paribas Nominees Pty Limited 577,699 0.1313% UBS Nominees Pty Limited 70,206 0.0160% 4.9855% Part 2 Registered Holder Number of Chess Depository Interests Held % J. P. Morgan Nominees Australia Pty Limited 6,100,643 1.3861% Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 6,191,594 1.4068% National Nominees Limited 1,488,942 0.3383% HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited 7,618,138 1.7209% BNP Paribas Nominees Pty Limited 584,270 0.1328% UBS Nominees Pty Limited 70,206 0.0160% 5.0108%