Exhibit 99.1

Appendix 3D

Changes relating to buy-back



Rule 3.8A

Appendix 3D

Changes relating to buy-back

(except minimum holding buy-back)

Information and documents given to ASX become ASX’s property and may be made public.

Introduced 1/9/99. Origin: Appendix 7B. Amended 13/3/2000, 30/9/2001, 11/01/10


Name of entity


James Hardie Industries plc


097 829 895


We (the entity) give ASX the following information.



Date that an Appendix 3C or the last Appendix 3D was given to ASX

21 May 2015


Information about the change

Complete each item for which there has been a change and items 9 and 10.


Column 1

(Details announced to market in Appendix 3C or last Appendix 3D)

Column 2

(Details of change to buy-back proposals)

On-market buy-back



Name of broker who will act on the company’s behalf

To be advised later


Goldman Sachs Australia Pty Ltd




Deleted 30/9/2001.




If the company/trust intends to buy back a maximum number of shares/units – that number


Note:   This requires a figure to be included, not a percentage. The reference to a maximum number is to the total number including shares/units already bought back and shares/units remaining to be bought back. If the total has not changed, the item does not need to be completed.

Up to 22,284,033 ordinary shares/CUFS1 No change


1 Being 5% of the issued share capital after deducting the number of shares acquired under the previous buy-back that have not yet been cancelled.


+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.


11/01/2010 Appendix 3D Page 1

Appendix 3D

Changes relating to buy-back




Column 1

(Details announced to market in Appendix 3C or last Appendix 3D)

Column 2

(Details of change to buy-back proposals)



If the company/trust intends to buy back a maximum number of shares/units – the number remaining to be bought back

Up to 22,284,033 ordinary shares/CUFS1


No change




If the company/trust intends to buy-back shares/units within a period of time – that period of time; if the company/trust intends that the buy-back be of unlimited duration - that intention

12 months. Unless an Appendix 3F is given to ASX notifying that the buyback is at an end, the on-market buyback will remain open for 12 months from the date of this notice even if no purchases have been made for a period of months. No change


If the company/trust intends to buy back shares/units if conditions are met – those conditions

Not applicable


No change


All buy-backs


Any other change

Not applicable


No change





+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.


Appendix 3D Page 2


Appendix 3D

Changes relating to buy-back





Reason for change

Broker appointed




Any other information material to a shareholder’s/unitholder’s decision whether to accept the offer (eg, details of any proposed takeover bid)

Not applicable



Compliance statement



The company is in compliance with all Corporations Act requirements relevant to this buy-back.

or, for trusts only:



The trust is in compliance with all requirements of the Corporations Act as modified by Class Order 07/422, and of the trust’s constitution, relevant to this buy-back.



There is no information that the listing rules require to be disclosed that has not already been disclosed, or is not contained in, or attached to, this form.


Sign here: /s/ Natasha Mercer Date: 11 June 2015
Company secretary
Print name: Natasha Mercer

== == == == ==


1 Being 5% of the issued share capital after deducting the number of shares acquired under the previous buy-back that have not yet been cancelled.


+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.


11/01/2010 Appendix 3D Page 3